Salt-Room Therapy: Is It the Right Treatment for Your Nightly Allergies?

If your allergies become worse at night and prevent you from breathing properly, you may try many things to help you sleep better, even salt-room therapy. Salt-room therapy is one of the newest, most popular trends in alternative allergy and respiratory treatment today. While the therapy may work well for some individuals, it may or may not be right for you. Here's more information about salt-room therapy and what you can do to ease your nightly allergy symptoms. 

What's Salt-Room Therapy?

Salt therapy, or halotherapy, is an alternative to traditional allergy, skin, and respiratory treatment. The therapy requires you to sit inside a spa room filled with natural dry salt, soothing music and low lighting. Some spas offer services to children who suffer from respiratory and skin allergies.

To receive the best results from salt treatment, you inhale it. As you inhale the aromas, your body should feel relaxed, calm, and less congested in the lungs. Chest and nasal congestion can become worse at night for a number of people. The symptoms may lead to sleep deprivation and other health complications. 

Currently, traditional allergy specialists don't recommend salt therapy as a viable treatment option. The therapy can cause adverse problems with individuals who have asthma. If you have a family or past history of asthma, it's a good idea that you find other treatments for your nightly allergy symptoms.

How Can You Sleep Better at Night?

One of the safest ways to ease your nightly problems is to see an allergy specialist for care. An allergy doctor may examine your nasal passages and sinuses for polyps. Polyps are growths that develop inside the body, including the respiratory system. The growths can block your nasal passages and sinuses, and this keeps fluids from draining out of them properly. A specialist may recommend that you have your polyps removed to improve your breathing and other allergy symptoms. 

If your exam doesn't reveal polyps, a doctor may prescribe antihistamines and other medications to clear up your congestion and soothe your breathing passages. The medications generally open up the airways so that air flows through them at night. If the medications don't work as expected, an allergist may suggest that you have allergy shots, or immunotherapy. Immunotherapy reduces the effects of your allergy symptoms over time, and this can benefit you at night and during the day.

To find the right allergy treatment for you without placing your health at risk, consult with an allergist, such as one at The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC, today.
